


Woman who exercise until they're completely exhausted are three times more likely to have fertility problems - Research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Happy people spend less time watching TV than unhappy or depressed people - Researchers from the Department of Sociology at the University of Maryland in the US

Engaging in sexual activity at least once a week enhances oestrogen levels, which improves overall Brain function - A study from the University of California, Los Angeles in the the US

Women who are happy with their sex lives have higher well-being scores and more vitality than women who are sexually dissatisfied - Research at Monash University In Australia

People exposed to sunny colors scored 25% higher in mental-agility tests than those exposed to dull colors such as grey - Study by the University of Essex in the UK

Ten to 15 minutes of laughter burns around 210KJ - The equivalent of a single biscuit - Macie Buchowski, Researcher at Vanderbilt University in the US

Looking on the bright side could help you live longer, according to a new study which optimists were 23% less likely to suffer heart failure.

A work-out can boost your self-esteem by increasing your belief in your ability to do something well - Kathleen Mcquaide of the Sports Science Institute of SA

Research suggest that chewing sugar-free gum all day increases your metabolic rate by 20% - which would lead to weight loss of about 3kg a year.

Immune Booster:  For a flu-fighting breakfast add a handful of vitamin C rich dried cranberries and a sprinkle of spirulina(a powdered algae that increases production of antibodies) to your bowl. Then drizzle Manuka Honey, a potent antiseptic on top.

LOVE YOUR LIVER- Tuck into liver-boosting foods like asparagus, onions, mushrooms, garlic and leeks.

According to dietitians not having enough iron in yours system slows down your metabolism.  Most multivitamins contain the required amount of iron. You can also get your fix by eating three to four daily servings of foods rich in iron such as spinach and fortified cereal.

It is official, Tree Huggers are more chilled. A recent US study found that just seeing trees or driving down a tree-lined street lowers people's blood pressure.

Always Sneezing? A new survey found 80% of allergies are caused by dust mites, often found in our beds. 'Symptoms can include sneezing, a runny nose, itchy eyes and ears, severe wheezing and coughing,' say Lindsey Manus, spokesperson for Allergy UK. 'We recommend vacuuming your mattress at least once a week to avoid problems.


Strawberries aren't just delicious; they also have many health benefits, including the ability to help remove harmful toxins from the  blood. Here's what strawberries can do for your beauty regime as well as your health:

  • HEALTHY MOUTH Strawberries remove tartar from teeth, making them healthier. The acid found in them breaks down tartar and is good for gums too.
  • YOUTHFUL SKIN The ellagic acid found in strawberries can help reduce wrinkles. Researchers from Hallym University in South Korea applied it to human skin cells and found that it reduced the destruction of collagen and inflammatory response, which are both major causes of wrinkles.
  • WEIGHT CONTROL Strawberries have a low glycaemic index, so this sweet and tasty treat won't affect your waistline.
  • ANTI-AGEING According to research done by the United States Department of Agriculture, strawberries help to slow down the age-related loss of cognitive and motor skills.


"It's  not what you put on your body but what you put in it that makes your beautiful", says Dr Lisa Drayer, US nutritionist and author of  The Beauty Diet. Here are a five foods she recommends:

SWEET POTATOES contain protein, complex carbohydrates and vitamins.  They also have a lot of betacarotene, which helps ward off wrinkles.

LOW-FAT YOGHURT  is rich in protein, calcium, bacteria and vitamins, which all promote healthy hair, bones and teeth.

KIWI FRUIT  contains a lot of vitamin C, which is needed for the production of collagen.  This help you maintain healthy, smooth skin.

WILD SALMON contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help with skin's flexibility.  It also contains an antioxidant called astaxathin, which is said to be a hundred times more potent that vitamin E on the skin and helps combat the ageing process.

OYSTERS are a great source of zinc, which helps the body with skin renewal and the production of collagen.  they also contain calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth and healthy hair.


You don't have to drink eight glasses of water a day - only drink enough so that you're not thirsty - Research by Dr Stanley Goldfarb at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in the US

Pomegranate juice can help reduce the formation of  fatty deposits on artery walls - Research from the University of Naples in Italy and the University of California, Los Angeles in the US

The nutritional value of frozen vegetables is just as high as (and sometimes higher than) that of fresh vegetables - Research at the Centre for Food Innovation at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK

 Research found that higher Vitamin C and mineral levels, as well as cancer fighting antioxidants, in organic vegetables than in non-organic vegetalbes - The UK Soil Association

Did you know...?

Studies suggest that tea can help protect against cancer, stroke and heart disease.

Lentils are brilliant for balancing blood-sugar levels and providing a steady release of energy.

A morning smoothie is the easiest way to get your daily quota of food along with all its disease-fighting vitamins and antioxidants.


Reasons why Dark Chocolate (in moderation) is Good for You.

  1. NO PAIN: A study at the University of Michigan in the US showed that chocolate causes the  brain to release b-endorphon, which dulls pains and increases your sense of well-being. 
  2. HEALTH BOOST: A chocolate bar is said to contain as many antioxidants as a glass of red wine, and antioxidants are good for your body. It also contains potassium, sodium, iron, fluorine and vitamins A,B1,C,D and E.  A join study by Tufts University In Boston in the Us and the University of L'Aquila in Italy showed that a daily serving of dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure and improve insulin resistance.
  3. CHEER UP: Because chocolate contains serotonin, and phenylethylamine , it has the ability to lift the spirits. Both serotonin and phenylethylamine are produced naturally in the body when you're happy or in love.
AND MORE "BEAUTY SLEEP" which we all need!

Is chocolate vegan?

It's delicious. It's healthy. But will it offend your vegan principles?

"If I become vegan, will I have to give up chocolate?" That's one of the most common questions that we hear at Veg World. Unfortunately, there's no one-case-fits-all answer.

In its natural state, chocolate - that is, the product of the Theobroma cacao tree - is entirely plant-based, and is therefore completely compatible with a vegan diet. So you'll have no worries if you buy a slab of pure chocolate or a pack of pure cocoa powder. But to be sure that the product really is pure, you need to check the label. By  Mike Lewis


It is not as healthy as a piece of fruit, but there ARE benefits:

  • Chocolate contains catechins, though to protect against heart disease and cancers.
  • Researchers at Harvard University found if you eat chocolate three times a month you'll live almost a year longer than if you don't.
  • Research has found deprivation can cause you to binge-and gain weight.


Just because you don't add salt to your food doesn't mean you're not getting more of it in your diet than you should. As much as 75% of the salt in our diet comes from processed foods. Too much salt can raise your blood pressure, making you three times more likely to develop hart disease or have a stroke. So, how do we know what foods are high in salt?  Salt is listed as sodium on food labels - to work out the salt content, multiply the sodium content by 2,5. Then make sure you consume less that 6kg of salt a day.

HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? More than 2,5g salt(0,5g sodium) per 100g.


When it comes to detoxing, the best way is to eat foods that cleanse the body naturally, says Ronald Abvajee, Found and chief wellness officer of  fitness company My Personal Trainer. He suggest the following foods to kick-start your body:

  1. FRUIT Fruit is extremely high in liquid content, fibre, antioxidants and nutrients.  Eat fruit such as oranges and limes as Vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins.
  2. GREENS Green foods such as wheat-grass and spinach give the body a chlorophyll boost. This helps rid it of harmful environmental toxins such as smog. they also aid the liver in detoxification.
  3. GARLIC Garlic helps then liver to produce enzymes that filter out toxic residue. Add fresh or cooked garlic to any meal to aid your detox diet.
  4. BROCCOLI SPROUTS Extremely hing in antioxidants, these can help stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully grown vegetable.
  5. GREEN TEA  Green tea is packed full of antioxidants and not only washes away toxins out of the system but also contains catechins, which increase liver function.


Now's the time to establish healthy habits that will keep you looking and feeling good as your age says Elizabeth Battaglino Cahill, the executive director of the US National W omen's Health Resource Center.

Here are 5 tips to give your body a head start:

  • ESTABLISH AN EXERCISE ROUTINE. This will help develop a strong body that will look and feel good as your age. Find a regime that is sustainable and enjoyable.
  • PROTECT YOUR SKIN. It's never too early to start taking care of your skin, which includes wearing sunscreen, drinking water, exercising and having a balanced diet.
  • MAINTAIN A HEALTHY DIET. This is about more than just maintaining your weight. Your eating habits can protect you from ailments such as osteoporosis.
  • GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. Getting rest is essential. Lack of sleep affects memory, concentration and the body's ability to fight infection.
  • MANAGE STRESS. The effects of stress on your health are often overlooked but can be very serious. Finding a way to balance your life makes you healthier, both physically and mentally.

People in happy moods tend to prefer healthier foods such as steak, while those feeling sad are more likely to choose less healthy options such as ice cream, biscuits and chips - A study at Cornell University in the US.


Carrots are packed with Vitamin A, which is essential for eye health. So while eating carrots may not turn your night vision into that of a cat, they can definitely pave the way for healthy eyes.


  1. 8 unsalted Almonds
  2. 1 Apple and 1 Orange
  3. 1 reduced-sugar cereal bar
  4. 2 mini boxes of raisins or 7 dried apricots

 The Benefits of Regular consumption of Tofu is:

  • reduced risk of Heart Disease
  • lower levels of cholesterol
  • improved bone density and reduced risk of fractures
  • decrease in the incidence of breast cancer and lung cancer


Eating white button mushrooms could boost  the immune system and protect the body against infections, according to a study by researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in the US. The study found that white button mushrooms may promote innate immunity (immunity we're born with, and the body's first line of defense) as well as acquired immune-system healthy against rumours and viruses. This is because these mushrooms have antitumour, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Innate immunity is increased by heightening the activity of natural killer cells, which form a vital part of the body's immune system.



PROTECTS against cancer. Research shows selenium can reduce your risk by up 42%. Just 3 Brazil nuts a day will give you the recommended intake of 70mg.


PROTECTS  your eyes and could reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. Green vegetables especially spinach, kale and broccoli are a good source.


PROTECTS against heart disease and skin damage from UV rays. Tinned tomatoes contain more of this antioxidant than fresh tomatoes, as they retain more nutrients.


PROTECTS against heart disease and cancer, while recent Japanese study shows it might even help you stay slim. Tuck into apples, plums, blackberries,cherries and raspberries.


"Stress signals to your body that you're under threat, triggering it store fat-particularly around your middle. The bottom line is, if you want a flat rum you need to relax. Even if it's just a soothing bath or burning your favorite Diptyque candle, it will signal to your body that all is well and it can ditch those fat reserves" - Marilyn Grenville, author of Fat Around the Middle


A new survey reveals that women find typing out their troubles more helpful than turning to traditional, but unhealthy, stress relievers, such as alcohol, with 50% saying they go online when they're would wound up.

According to the Journal of Advanced Nursing, repeating a mantra improves your state of mind and makes going to the gym more bearable. 'Positive affirmations like "keep going" and "I can do it" really work as they help maintain motivation and confidence', says sports psychologist Dr Marc Jones.

MOOD BOOSTER - Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin Seeds are rich in zinc, B vitamins and the amino-acid tryptophan, all of which can boost your mood. USE IT: Drizzle on roatsted of grilled vegetables.


Its sky-high levels of unsaturated fats and beta-sitosterol, though to help lower bad cholesterol levels, means avocado oil is the new kitchen cupboard celebrity. It's also high in antioxidant  Vitamins A,C and E, which help fight disease and ageing.


5tbsp reduced-fat guacamole with vegetable crudites

Large bowl strawberries with 1 scoop fruit sorbet.

7 Dried apricots


  • Give up butter on your morning toast and lunchtime sarnies. You'll save 300 calories a day and lose a stone in a year.
  • One squirt of oil contains just 1 calorie compared with 120 calories per 1tbsp cooking oil. Use it every day and lose 7lb in six months.
  • Have a Cadbury's 99 calorie bar rather thatn311 Snickers each day for four months and you'll drop 40lb.
  • Instead of  fizzy drinks or squash, drink water with a squeeze of lemon. You could lose 30lb in six months.
  • Swap double cream for Greek yogurt and save 330 calorie per 100g. Do this once a week and you'll lose 30lb in six months.
  • Drizzle balsamic vinegar or lemon juice on your salad instead of 2tbsp mayonnaise and you'll save 200 calories a day and lose 2lb in a month.
  • Standing on the bus you burn 41 calories a minute, while sitting only burns 19. Do this each day for six months and you'll lose 3lb.
  • Leaving your desk for 5 minutes every hour and you'll burn an extra 200 calories a day and lose over a stone in a year.
  • Can't resist pain au chocolat? Spread a crusty roll with 1 tbsp Nutella instead and you'll save around 400 calories. Do this just once a week and you'll shed 6lb in a year.
  • Swap pesto for tomato sauce on a pasta twice a week and you'll save 220 calories per plate and shed half a stone in a year.
  • Tend the roses. Just 20 minutes of pottering in the garden a day will leave you 3lb lighter in four months.


Italian-style pizza twice a week can slash your risk of heart attack by 56%, say scientists in Milan as the thin-base and fresh, antioxidant-rich toppings can give your areal health boost. Here's our heart-friendly choices:

  • SPINACH: About 100g contains your daily allowance of iron, calcium and more disease-fighting carotenoids than any other vegetable.
  • TUNA: Its essential fatty acids support heart health, brain development and improve skin texture.
  • ASPARAGUS: Perfect for detox - the insoluble fibre gets things moving in our digestive tract.
  • OREGANO: King of the spice rack, this has more antioxidants than any other culinary herb.
  • PEPPERS: Red peppers contain more than twice the vitamin C and nice times the amount of vitamin A in green ones.


Give your kids a head start on exam day packing a brain-boosting lunch that will  maximize concentration and energy levels, but calm nerves too..

  • BANANA: Mineral-rich and a brilliant energy boost for kids.
  • EGG: contains choline, one of nature's memory enhancers.
  • TUNA and WATERCRESS sandwiches: Boosts kids' performance and helps calm nerves.
  • MALT BREAD: A sweet treat that provides those crucial extra calories.
  • BLUEBERRY SMOOTHIE: Use organic milk for extra brain power.

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